Kitten With a Whip


Kitten with a Whip



Director: Douglas Heyes

Starring: Ann-Margret, John Forsythe

“She’s all out for kicks… and every inch of her spells excitement!”


I actually don’t want to tell you much about this film in advance; I think it’s better if you know as little as possible about the plotline, because the unexpected twists and turns in the main character’s personality are enough to give you the spins AND the willies. Kind of like being the passenger in a 1960s Jaguar convertible that’s being driven down a treacherous mountainside by some wild, hot stranger (not recommended). But this film is definitely an enjoyable ride. Hmm… ‘enjoyable’? Perhaps that isn’t exactly the right adjective for the experience you’ll have when watching this unusual movie. More like: a little shocked, turned-on, disturbed — and a lot of laughter thrown in too.

I will tell you though that it stars an ultra-sexy Ann-Margret, at the height of her beauty and intensity. You may not be able to tell from some of her films, like ‘Viva Las Vegas’ and others she did with Elvis, but this woman can really ACT. I remember once discussing Sophia Loren with a friend and when I expressed how fantastic an actress I thought she was/is, he scoffed in my face and pretty much said she is just a beautiful dumb-ass. I told him he obviously had not seen the film ‘Two Women.’ She was so engaging and deep and dramatic in that film — and apparently I’m not the only one who felt that way, because she won the Oscar for Best Actress that year! Anyway, the same goes for Ann-Margret in ‘Kitten With a Whip.’ She didn’t win an Oscar for this role, but she definitely shows incredible talent.

A couple of weeks ago I invited some friends over for a film party — and ‘Kitten With a Whip’ was the film. No one had seen it before, which made the night even more fun for me — knowing what a strange ride I was setting up for my guests. What a FUN way to view this film! Supply some good snacks and drinks (you might need hard liquor for this one), and invite friends whose faces you enjoy looking at — because watching their responses will have entertainment value. The soundtrack alone is reason enough to rent this flick: full of that sassy, brassy, sexy early-‘60s genre. (Just so you know, the film can be difficult to find… and only recently released on DVD. You might have to call around before you find a copy).

Okay, so we have:

* super hot Ann-Margret as a disturbing, manipulative teenager

* loud sexy music

* a crowd-pleaser

* great acting

* well-written screenplay and great directing

* and hardly anyone has ever seen this film…

That’s why it’s my Highlight of the Month! Let me know what you think when you see it…  Over and out!

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